Moving out of state? We can help!
If you are moving out of state, you need to let DMV know what will happen to your vehicle if it is registered in California.
Report a change of address to DMV within 10 days of moving. To do this, use our online change of address form.
If you receive a vehicle registration renewal notice from California DMV even if you have moved, write the following on the back of the stub:
- The date the vehicle left California.
- The name of the new state where it is now registered.
You can then mail the form back to California DMV and your record will be updated.
You must report a change of address to DMV within 10 days of the change. Use our online change of address form or complete a Change of Address (DMV 14) to notify DMV of a change of residence and/or mailing address for your vehicle, vessel, or DL/ID card records.
Registration renewal notices are computer generated more than 60 days prior to the expiration date. Occasionally, these renewal notices are generated within days of the sale of your vehicle and the documents may cross in the mail.
If you receive a renewal notice for a vehicle you no longer own, DMV probably did not receive a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (REG 138) form (or, if one was submitted, it was incomplete or illegible. You must submit another REG 138 for the vehicle record to be updated.
A REG 138 must be submitted not only when the vehicle is sold, but also if it is gifted or donated.
What You Might Need Before You Leave
Request a Refund
Paid your registration before it was due and then moved out of state.
Operating Permits
One-Day vehicle moving or one-Trip permits are available to move your vehicle.