DMV Posts 2017 Autonomous Vehicle Disengagement Reports Online

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January 31, 2018

Sacramento – The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) posted the 2017 autonomous vehicle disengagement reports on its website. The 19 reports submitted to the department from autonomous vehicle test permit holders summarize the disengagements of the technology caused by the failure of the technology or when the test driver needed to take immediate manual control of the vehicle during testing.

Under the autonomous vehicle testing regulations, the annual report is due by January 1 each year. The first report covers the time period from when the permit was issued to November 30 of the following year. Subsequent reports provide details from December 1 to November 30. 

The reports includes the total number of disengagements, the circumstances or testing conditions, the location, total miles traveled in autonomous mode on public roads, and the period between when the test driver was alerted of the failure to when the driver took manual control of the vehicle.

Currently, 50 manufacturers have valid permits to test autonomous vehicles, with a driver behind the steering wheel, on California public roadways. The DMV only required manufacturers issued a testing permit before January 2017 to submit a disengagement report by January 1, 2018.

View the 2017 Disengagement Reports.


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