This online system allows you to print your driver’s record.
You may only request your own driver’s record using our online system; if you need someone else’s driver record, see below.
Before you begin…
Have your printer on and ready; you will only have one opportunity to print your record after your fee is paid.
Be prepared to create an online account (if you have never done so on this site).
Be prepared to pay the $2 fee.
- All credit/debit card transactions include an additional 1.95% payment processing fee.
- If paying directly from your bank account, there are no additional fees.
Requesting Another Person’s Record?
Complete a Request for Record Information (INF 70) form to request copies of another person’s driving or vehicle/vessel records.
Mail your request to the address provided on the form and include a check/money order for $5 (online requests are $2) for each record requested.
Photocopies of Vehicle/Vessel documents unavailable electronically are $20 per year requested.
Frequently Asked Questions
To ensure your information remains private and secure. Please refer to Privacy & Security for more information regarding DMV’s Internet Privacy Statement.
Visitar Records & Types of Information to learn more about the information DMV collects and how it is protected.
The cost of the driver record is established by the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
CCR §350.44. Cost of Information
(c) Casual requesters shall be charged for information according to the following schedule:
(1) Two dollars ($2) for each record requested by electronic interface with the department’s Internet website.
(2) Five dollars ($5) for each record requested by mail.
Once you have successfully paid for your record, you will be prompted to view and print your record. Once you have closed the shopping cart confirmation page, you will need to make another purchase if you wish to view your record.
Effective March 20, 2019, driver’s records formerly referred to as an “H6” or “10 year record” that included information intended for internal department purposes are no longer available. Driver’s records will only include all reportable information: convictions for three, seven, or ten years, departmental actions, and accidents on a person’s driver’s record as required by California Vehicle Code (CVC) §1808.
Online requests only allow for viewing online and printing to your printer. If you would like a printout mailed to you, please complete the INF 1125 form. Mail the completed form and the fee to the DMV Headquarters address displayed on the form.
Your address will appear on the printout if you request it to appear and the address information you provide matches the information on your DMV record.
DMV has elected to not place your address information on the screen for your privacy protection. Your address will be displayed on the physical printout.
Once you have successfully paid for your record, you will be prompted to view and print your record. Once you have closed the shopping cart confirmation page, you will need to make another purchase if you wish to view your record.
To request a stamped certified copy of your record, please complete and mail an INF 1125 to the address on the form.
If you believe information contained in your driver’s record is incorrect you may report this concern by completing a Report of Incorrect Record Form (DL 207) or Report of Incorrect Driver Record Traffic Collision Form DL 207A, which can be found online.
Additionally, you can present an Abstract/Document Error Form DL 157 or Abstract of Court Record or correspondence from the court or law enforcement agency.
You may also call DMV at 1-800-777-0133.