Business Partner Program

Online Forms 2

Our Business Partner Automation (BPA) program authorizes qualified partners to process vehicle related transactions, including vehicle registration and titling, from their remote locations.

All new motor vehicle dealers must participate in the BPA program for processing.

We have three types of partners:

  • First-Line Business Partner: A partner who receives information from DMV and uses it to complete registration and titling activities for their own business purposes.
  • First-Line Service Provider: A partner who receives information from DMV and transmits it to another authorized business partner for registration processing.
  • Second-Line Business Partner: A partner who receives information from a First-Line Service Provider.

Our partners can process:

  • New vehicle reports of sale
  • Full year registration renewals. (partial year registration is not allowed in BPA)
  • Registered owner transfers
  • Salvage applications
  • Junk applications
  • Non-repairable applications
  • Vehicle license fee (VLF) refunds*
  • Legal owner transfers
  • Non-resident vehicles
  • Miscellaneous originals
  • Replacement titles
  • Vessels
  • Personalized and special plate assignments and/or reassignments
  • Unwinds/rollbacks
  • Disabled Veteran/Disabled Person reassignments
  • Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI)
  • Posting fee transactions
  • Additions to a PFR fleet
  • Substitute vehicle license plate and sticker

* VLF refunds are restricted to Salvage Pools.

Our partners can issue the following indicia:

  • Automobile Commercial Trailer Motorcycle (ACTM) plates and stickers.
  • PTI plates.
  • Exempt license plates.
  • Single-plate truck tractor inventory.

Are you new to providing vehicle registration services to your clients? Get more information on any of the above by visiting the Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual to get started.

  • Saves time, may increase revenue, and allows you to have full control over the transactions processed from your location.
  • Allows you to submit the exact fees calculated by DMV. Eliminates bundle credits, ASF, and issuing checks to DMV.
  • Reduce trips to DMV to submit your work.
  • May eliminate your inquiries to DMV.
  • Enhanced customer service – another way to offer the best possible service to your customers.
  • Customers will benefit from the one-stop registration service by getting their plates, registration cards, and stickers directly from you.
  • Customers will no longer have to wait for their plates, which will eliminate telephone calls to you regarding the status of their license plates.
  • May provide your customers alternative payment options.

Any company that has a business need to process their own vehicle registration and titling applications and comply with the following requirements can become a First-Line Business Partner:

Send the completed application documents and fees to:

Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
Business Partner Automation Program
PO Box 825393, MS C383
Sacramento, CA 94232-3280


  • $305 non-refundable application fee
  • $232 for each additional branch location (if applicable)
  • Live scan fingerprint fees (payable to the live scan facility)

DMV holds the First-Line Business Partner responsible for all fees due to DMV and requires payment via an Electronic Fund Transfer. Complete an Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization Agreement (REG 4051).

The application(s) becomes null and void after 12 months if not completed. A new application(s) and fee(s) must be re-submitted. The BPA contract is valid for 36 months. Renewal period is every 36 months.

Any company that can comply with the following requirements can become a First-Line Service Provider:

Send the completed application documents and fees to:

Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
Business Partner Automation Program
PO Box 825393, MS C383
Sacramento, CA 94232-3280


  • $305 non-refundable application fee
  • $232 for each additional branch location (if applicable)
  • Live scan fingerprint fees (payable to the live scan facility)

DMV holds the First-Line Service Provider responsible for all fees due to DMV and requires payment via an Electronic Fund Transfer. Complete an Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization Agreement (REG 4051).

The application(s) becomes null and void after 12 months if not completed. A new application(s) and fee(s) must be re-submitted. The BPA contract is valid for 36 months. Renewal period is every 36 months.

The following types of companies are examples of who can become a Second-Line Business Partner:

  • Registration services.
  • New/used vehicle dealers.
  • Vehicle rental companies.
  • Vehicle leasing companies.
  • Dismantlers.
  • Salvage pools.

Contact a First-Line Service Provider for additional information.

Any company that can comply with the following requirements can become a Second-Line Business Partner.

DMV currently has six authorized First-Line Service Providers who provide services to Second-Line Business Partners:


Contact: Toni Martin – Phone: (949) 402-6281

Motor Vehicle Software Corporation

Contact: Eddy Partida – Phone: (818) 706-1949

Automated Vehicle Registration Services

Contact: Monique Buduan – Phone: (707) 658-4100 & (855) 437-4400

American Driving Records

Contact: Melody Alday – Phone: (916) 288-6705

Car Registration, Inc

Contact: Erika Guiley – Phone: (916) 407-3359


Contact: Peter Sarkisyan – Phone: (626) 789-1010

Send the completed application documents and fees to your First-Line Service Provider.


  • $305 non-refundable application fee
  • $232 for each additional branch location (if applicable)
  • Live scan fingerprint fees (payable to the live scan facility)

DMV holds the Second-Line Business Partner responsible for all fees due to DMV and remitting them to their respective First-Line Service Provider.

The Second-Line Business Partner have 12 months to complete the application to participate in the BPA program. If the application is not completed within 12 months, then the First-Line Service Provider must re-submit a new application(s) and fee(s). The BPA permit is valid for 36 months. Renewal period is every 36 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you may charge for your services. Companies participating in the BPA Program are allowed to charge their customers a service fee for each type of transaction processed through to completion. However, licensed vehicle dealers and dismantlers are restricted to charging up to $29.00 for each type of transaction.

Licensed registration services and salvage pools are not restricted to the fee amount they may charge.

Yes. DMV charges a $5 transaction fee for each transaction processed through to completion. The transaction fee may be charged to the customer in addition to the service fee.

Exception: Payment of a transaction fee for vehicle license fee refund transactions is not required. Only salvage pools may process vehicle license fee refund transactions.

The inquiry process is not available within the BPA Program. Customers interested in obtaining inquiry capability should contact DMV Customer Services Division’s Account Processing Unit at (916) 657-5564.

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