OpenCred for Relying Parties

Device Task 1

Enabling Online/ Remote mDL Presentation on Relying Parties (RPs) Websites.

Enabling New Use Cases for Government, Corporations and Small and Midsize Businesses (SMBs)

CA DMV has launched an open digital credential software platform (OpenCred) with support for mobile driver’s licenses (mDL). OpenCred is an open source platform that enables multiple Relying Parties (RPs) across various sectors (Government, Corporations, SMBs, etc.) to both accept and authenticate individual users.

This new capability for relying parties to accept mobile driver’s licenses (mDL) on their websites will enable many new benefits including enhanced user convenience, fraud prevention, and cost savings while enabling a secure and convenient user experience.

The OpenCred Open Source Platform

OpenCred is an open source platform designed to make it easy for organizations (relying parties) to check credentials from individuals (holders) in a secure and verifiable way. Think of it as a digital verification checkpoint where organizations can ask for proof of certain information, like a digital driver’s license, directly from a person’s digital wallet. This platform:

  • can be used to verify digital credentials, such as the California mDL, which is currently available to the residents of California;
  • is being released as open source so that any state agency, federal agency, or business can receive and verify the California mDL;
  • will be expanded to support other digital credentials issued by the California DMV and other state and federal agencies over time; and
  • supports open standards and open specifications from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

CA DMV is currently using OpenCred for the following use cases today (with CA DMV also acting as a Relying Party):

  1. Disability Placard Enrollment
    • Individual goes to CA DMV website to start the enrollment process.
    • The current process of using a physical form, or filling out an online form, is replaced by an easier auto-fill process when using the CA DMV App.
    • A new option, with the individual’s consent, uses the CA DMV App to upload the digital driver’s license and automatically fill out the enrollment form for a Disability Placard.
    • The helps individuals with physical accessibility needs that create challenges when filling out paper forms and eliminates errors when filling out form fields or uploading pictures.
  2. Secure Login for DMV Services
    • Individual goes to CA DMV website to start a process that requires them to log into their CA DMV website account.
    • The current process requires them to use a username and password, which can be forgotten or stolen.
    • A new option, with the individual’s consent, uses the CA DMV App to log in using a much more secure mechanism than using a username and password.
    • This helps provide more security around the individual’s account and how they manage their CA DMV related activities.

The mDL provides a secure, verifiable identification for residents. This can be used as a tool by state agencies and commercial entities (banks, financial institutions, others), that issue licenses, permits, and benefits to (1) reduce fraudulent claims, (2) improve the online user experience, and (3) reduce costs associated with verifying legacy forms of identification.

A few examples: State benefits, Access to secure locations, eKYC use case for various Banking and financial institutions applications processes (opening an account, loan, etc.) which can be enabled in a few days using the open source OpenCred software.