Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

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Section 19 of 38

Chapter 18: Lien Sales – Abandoned – Abated Vehicles

18.000 Introduction

18.005 Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles

18.010 Categories of Lien Sales

18.015 Cost to Conduct a Lien Sale

18.020 Declaration of Opposition

18.025 Declaration of Opposition on Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment

18.030 Definitions

18.035 Determining Fees

18.040 Dismantler Acquisition of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles

18.045 Dismantler Acquisition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure

18.050 Disposition of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles

18.055 Disposition of Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment

18.060 Disposition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure

18.065 Liens

18.070 Liens Sale Dispute Resolution

18.075 Liens Sale Valuation

18.080 Local Abatement Procedure

18.085 Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons other than Abandonment

18.090 Military Lien Sales

18.095 Parking and Toll Violation Liens

18.100 Planned Nonoperation (PNO)

18.105 Proceeds of a Lien Sale

18.110 Registration Services

18.115 Re-registration of Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment

18.120 Re-registration of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure

18.125 Request for Post-Storage Hearing of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles

18.130 Seizure and Sale of Vehicles

18.135 Storage Lien Limitation

18.140 Vehicles Identification Number Missing at the Time of Removal on Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment

18.145 Vehicles Valued at $4,000 or Less

18.150 Vehicles Valued Over $4,000 or From a Self-Storage Facility

18.155 Vessel Liens—Boaters Lien Law

18.160 Vessel or Vessel and Trailer Combination Valued at $1,500 or Less

18.165 Vessel or Vessel and Trailer Combination Valued Over $1,500