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Chapter 3: Collection and Payment of Fees and Penalties
3.035 Dealer Responsibility for Fee Collection (VC § 11713.4)
Dealers and lessor-retailers are responsible for itemizing and collecting the proper fee amounts from the buyer and dispersing the fees to the proper agency (CCC §2982(a)(2)):
Buyers cannot be charged more than the amount required to complete the registration transaction.
Buyers may be charged all fees due to DMV, including fees for replacements/substitutes and fees/penalties that accrued prior to the vehicle entering the dealer inventory, unless those fees/penalties accrued through untimely submission of fees and/or documents by the dealer.
Fees paid by a dealer to avoid penalties may usually be charged to the buyer.
Fees collected by the dealer in excess of the amount required to register/transfer the vehicle must be refunded to the purchaser, whether or not requested by the purchaser.
Administrative service fees (ASF) cannot be charged to the buyer.