Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual

Driver Education illustration

Section 30 of 38

Chapter 29: Form Specifications

29.000 Forms Policy

Chapter 29 Form Specifications

29.000 Forms Policy

  • The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) policy regarding forms is to:
    • Make forms available to customers.
    • Permit customers to procure forms from a private vendor as long as the vendor uses the most recent revision of the form.
    • Permit customers to computer-generate forms (except dot matrix printing) in the DMV approved format with prior approval of the Forms and Accountable Items Section (FAIS) manager.
  • The address for the FAIS manager is:
    Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
    Forms and Accountable Items, MS G202
    2570 24th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95818
  • DMV also allows forms, other than those exclusions shown below, to be photocopied (white forms with black lettering only).
    • Typeset or offset printing, including laser printing, is acceptable.
    • Dot matrix printing is not acceptable.
    • Photocopies of signatures are not acceptable.

The following forms cannot be reproduced: